इस पोस्ट (Kodo Millet Photo) में मैंने Photos of kodo millet अपलोड किये हैं। मैंने कोशिश की है  कि इस वस्तु से सम्बंधित अच्छी quality के photos (Kodo Millet Image) आपको मिल सके।

हालाँकि, वर्तमान में यहाँ दर्शाये गए Kodo Millet Photo के अलावा यहाँ अन्य फोटो भी अपलोड करूँगा।

See also: Nut grass

Image of Kodo Millet

Photo of Kodo Millet.

Paspalum scorbiculatum Image.

General information:

Scientific namePaspalum scorbiculatum
Alternate namePaspalum scorbiculatum.
InflorescenceRaceme (4 – 6)

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Kodo Millet Photo (Image)

Image 01. Flowering kodo millet

Image 02. Kodo millet developing grains

Image 03. The outer regions of the lower stem is purple

Image 04. Plant before flowering

Image 05.

Image 06. Pre-harvesting stage

Some important points:

  • यह विश्व के सभी भागों में उगाई जाने वाली एक minor crop है।
  • हालाँकि, भारत के दक्कन क्षेत्र में यह एक मुख्य फसल है।
  • यह सूखे के प्रति सहनशील है।

Multiple choice questions

All questions are related to kodo millet.

Question 01. What is the scientific name of koda millet?

(a). Paspalum scrobiculatum.
(b). Eleusine coracana.
(c). Panicummiliaceum.
(d). Cenchrusamericanus.

Answer: It is Paspalum scrobiculatum.

Question 02. Which is the origin place of P. scrobiculatum?

(a). Europe.
(b). Australia.
(c). Africa.
(d). Asia.

Answer: Africa is the origin place of P. scrobiculatum.

Question 03. Which type of crop is P. scrobiculatum?

(a). Major crop.
(b). Minor crop.
(c). Major crop of India.
(d). None of the above.

Answer: It is a minor crop.

Question 04. Which is the family of P. scrobiculatum?

(a). Fabaceae.
(b). Poaceace.
(c). Cyperaceae.
(d). Malvaceae.

Answer: Family of P. scrobiculatumis Poaceae.

Question 05. Which one of the following is the another name of kodo millet?

(a). Cow grass.
(b). Rice grass.
(c). Indian cow grass.
(d). All of the above.

Answer: All of the above.

Question 06. Which type of soil is best for P. scrobiculatum?

(a). Loam soil.
(b). Sandy loam.
(c). Clay type soil.
(d). All of the above.

Answer: Clay type soil.

Question 07. What is the ideal temperature for its growth and development?

(a). 20 to 25 °C.
(b). 25 to 27 °C.
(c). 27 to 32 °C.
(d). 28 to 35 °C.

Answer: The ideal temperature for its growth and development is 25 to 27 °C.

Question 08. Which is the best solution against crop lodging?

(a). Effective management of fertilizers.
(b). Effective management of insect-pests.
(c). Effective management of irrigation.
(d). Effective management of intercultural operations.

Answer: It is the fffective management of fertilizers.

Question 09. Which one is a difficult task?

(a). Harvesting.
(b). Storage.
(c). De-husking.
(d). All of the above.

Answer: De-husking is a difficult task.

Question 10. What is Paspalum ergot?

(a). A species of kodo millet.
(b). A fungal disease.
(c). A species of millet.
(d). None of the above.

Answer: A fungal disease.


Heuze V., Tran G., Giger-Reverdin S., (2015). Scrobic (Paspalum scrobiculatum) forage and grain. Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.

Johns, M. Millet for forage use: FAQ”. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2007.

Report on survey of Post-harvest Technology and constraints faced by women farmers related to small millets and associated crops”. DHAN Foundation. 2011.

Kalaisekar A. (2017). Insect pests of millets: systematics, bionomics, and management. London. ISBN 978-0-12-804243-4.

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